7th Feb 2022



Reading Time: 5 mins

Our hair can do a lot to affect our style, mood, confidence, and more. There’s no denying the tremendous impact and influence our hair has on our overall look and self-esteem in this day and age. Some people cut theirs in crazy and unique ways. Others go for out-of-this-world colours and more.

The way your hair looks can drastically make or break your style. It wasn’t very easy to experiment with diverse looks in the past. When you dyed your hair a certain colour, it would be stuck like that for a significant amount of time. The same goes for short haircuts.

While there was a time when the most popular look was short hair, today, long hair is making a huge comeback. Everyone wants long hair, but without the commitment. Luckily there are plenty of options now to try on different lengths, colours, and so on.

Today, let’s explore the best way to get longer hair without any stress or hassle. This is your guide to hair extensions.

Types of Hair Extensions

There are two main types of hair extensions: clip-in and microbead. The former is pretty much what it sounds like. It’s a flat piece of hair that you “clip” in and can be removed. On the other hand, Microbeads are a little more natural-looking because they are actual strands of hair.

Clip-in hair extensions are the easiest and fastest way to get longer hair. However, they don’t always look as good as microbeads, which look better and more natural. If you’re worried about having people know that it’s not your hair and you’re trying to hide it, then going with microbeads is the better option.

If you use microbeads, you’ll have to have your hair re-dyed to match them, but if you use clip-in extensions, you’ll have to have a stylist match the colour of your hair.

How to Choose the Perfect Extensions

If you’re looking to buy hair extensions, there are a few things you need to keep in mind. First, your hair colour will affect the colour of the extensions you choose. So if you have bright red hair, you’ll want to choose something closer to your natural colour.

Secondly, the amount of hair you choose will affect the overall look of the extensions. If you want to add many volumes, you’ll need to choose a higher number of pieces, but if you simply want a boost with a few pieces, you’ll need to choose a lower number of pieces.

Lastly, when choosing the right extensions, you’ll want to consider your lifestyle and how you’ll be wearing them, for example, for a wedding or a fun night out.

What about Colour and Styling?

There are a few different colours of hair extensions. The most popular one is human hair, which you can find in various shades, such as blonde, brown, black, or red. You can also choose from synthetic hair, which is lighter and doesn’t fall off as easily. Or, if you want to go for a more natural look, you can choose hair that blends in with your natural hair colour.

If you choose to go with clip-in extensions, the colour is limited to whatever your hair can be dyed, so the colour options are not as wide.

Either way, though, you’ll have to have your hair coloured and styled after you get your hair extensions. This is because your hair will need to be coloured to match the length and colour of the extensions. It is a little more work, but it’s worth it in the end.

How to Maintain and Take Care of Your Extensions

After your hair extensions are applied, you’ll have to care for them and make sure they stay healthy. While it’s true that this is a bit extra work, it’s also pretty easy.

First, keep in mind that you’ll need to wash and blow-dry your hair extensions. This means you’ll need to invest in a good hairdryer and shampoo and conditioner for your extensions.

Secondly, you’ll need to style your hair consistently. You can do this with a curling iron and a flat iron. This way, the extension will always look great. Lastly, use a good quality hair spray to keep your hair nice and shiny.

Things to Consider and Remember

If you’re looking to invest in hair extensions, you need to know a few things first. First, you’ll need to figure out what kind of hair you have and what length of extensions will go best with it. While every extension is made to look as natural as possible, not everyone will agree that they are.

It’s important to remember that it will not look exactly like your natural hair. You’ll need to make sure that you’re okay with this fact. Some people choose to highlight the extensions to look even more natural. So, if that’s something you can live in the name of versatility, you’re all good.

And finally, of course, you must consider your lifestyle. Your extensions, whether they’re clip-in or not, will need some serious care and attention to stay looking good. Unlike your natural hair, slipping on your maintenance routine for your extensions can cause some issues for you in the future.

While hair extensions are a great option to try out different styles, they are not for everyone. They are a “major” hairstyle tool, so it’s essential to keep this in mind.

The Bottom Line

Overall, hair extensions are a great option if you’re looking to grow your hair in a healthy, natural way. It is essential to take the time and choose the length, colour, and type of extensions that will be the most beneficial for you.

If you’re looking for some volume and natural-looking length, then clip-in extensions are the way to go. Alternatively, if you want to add a little bit of volume to your natural hair colour, then microbeads are the way to go. If you’re looking for a boost in length, then microbeads are your best bet.

Whenever you’re buying extensions, it’s essential to make sure that you’ve figured out what kind of hair you have and the length of extensions that would go the best with your hair. Keep in mind that the extensions will look different from your natural hair, but they can look great if you mix them in a way that works for you and your lifestyle.

Foxy Locks is a UK-based company that provides women with the best quality hair products. Our products are made solely for us—you can’t get the same thing anywhere else. We offer our customers a wide range of options, from the length, colour, type, and more! Browse through our collection of Foxy Locks extensions and find the perfect fit for you!

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